About Us

About our Structures

Best Holiday Houses
Micele since 2013

Micele Holiday Houses is located in Locorotondo, in the heart of Itria Valley and near the coast of Adriatic Sea. All our trulli and historical house are supplied with authentic and local materials respecting tradition.

There is the first spa in trulli and big pool with salt water in the picturesque atmosphere of the itria valley and the service is friendly and caring.

Our Story

Cinquenoci Trullo

2013 - Trullo Cinquenoci

We started our activity with the best our structure “Trullo Cinquenoci“. In the 90’s the Trullo was bought and restored by the current owners, great lovers of the typical Valle d’Itria dwellings.

old town house

2014 - Casa del Carbonaio

The second our structure in old town is a beautiful residence, taking care of preserving peculiar details of the structure such as star vaults and barrel vaults, solid wood frames and furnishings, the wrought iron winding staircase, that climbs up from the cellar (ancient well and water supply) to the kitchen.

rooms micele holiday houses

2016 - Don Antonio Trulli

The complex was masterfully restored with attention to detail. So with their functionality completely restored, “Don Antonio Trulli” offer the guest a pleasant stay, whatever its length may be, where relax and the natural and architectural beauty of Locorotondo, one of “Italy’s most beautiful towns”, will come together to leave our customers a lovely memory.

Momenti di relax

2016 - SPA & Wellness

Micele Holiday Houses offers a modern Wellness Centre Beauty Farm where you can relax and revitalize your body and mind.
The first wellnes center in Trulli is equipped with every comfort, decorated with care and attention to detail, to experience intense emotions surrounded by a charming and relaxing.

Trullo Cinquenoci Pool

2018 - Pool with Salt Water

In Trullo Cinquenoci we opened a large swimming pool (80mq) with salt water.
Salt water pools reduce skin and eye irritation and greatly reduce the chlorine smell.

old trullo

coming soon - Trullo xxxxxxxx

In 2020 we started renovation of another structure bought 2 years before. Is another beautiful trullo for 2/3 people.

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